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Stalite PermaTill

We Specialize in Engineered Soil and Growing Media Blends
STALITE is the world’s leading manufacturer of expanded slate lightweight aggregate. For over 50 years STALITE has supplied the concrete industry with quality lightweight aggregate. The STALITE Horticulture Division, STALITE-PermaTill, was established in 1992 and has since positioned our company as the leading supplier of lightweight aggregate to the green industry. In 2014, STALITE-Permatill was rebranded as STALITE Environmental to better highlight its serviceability in the stormwater, wastewater and filtration industry .

Stalite-PermaTill highlights the sustainable revolution in best management practices. Our mission is to gain exposure for our products by becoming the Green Industry's leading proponent of a sustainable future. Stalite-PermaTill is committed to fundamentally improving the methods in which soils and growing medium are engineered. Applications include: landscape construction, nursery production, vole control, turf management, urban tree care, growing media for green roofs and rain gardens. We are also committed to continue to apply our research and development efforts to provide environmentally sound methods to effectively use our recycled expanded slate products for bio-retention rain-gardens, wastewater treatment, green roofing, and best-management-practices for sustainable land management.

Address:     Salisbury, NC
Email:    dstringer@stalite.com
Contact:   Debbie Stringer
Phone:    877-737-6284   FAX: